Amp Shop Bass Exchange

MXR MC-402 Boost/Overdrive


  • Adjustable from 0 to 20 dB boost
  • Output Level control – Tone and Gain
  • Stable housing
  • 2 Foot switches
  • 1 Input and 1 output
  • Status LED
  • Voltage with 9V battery
  • 9V or 18V power supply Dunlop ECB-004 (for more headroom). Batteries or power supply units are optionally available


More Information

LA’s Sound guru Bob Bradshaw, who develops the custom audio pedals, has partnered with MXR and is now running his high-quality treasures under that name.

With the MC-402 Custom Audio Electronics Booster you have 2 good solutions for amps that sound really good, but their lead sound could still be a bit expandable. Once the signal can be boosted up to 20 dB – it is strong enough even for the most stubborn distorter. And if you take back volume to the guitar, it will be cleaner again, but without the loss of the treble which you would have to accept from typical Potentiometers!

2. Possibility (optional or in combination with the boost): A nice overdrive effect that also adds sustain, warmth or bite (depending on the setting of the tone control). Wonderful combination in a high quality!

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