The AlBridge Parts M20 is a perfect direct replacement for Sterling, OLP and overseas made basses by Music Man. It can also be used as a replacement for Jazz Bass or Precision Bass with mounting hole alterations. Original Music Man basses might need minor mounting hole alterations, as well.
No Compatible with current basses (Ray34/35/HH, Ray24/25, and Short Scale), needed minor mounting hole alterations, as well.
Each Albridge parts bridge:
· High Density/Lightweight assembly with Low profile Barrel saddles made from solid Pure Bell Bronze with string saver grooves and anti-rust coating
· Durable and precise stainless steel height adjustment screws, carbon hardened metal springs and intonation screws.
· The strings mount at the front rear or thru body. Intonation and string height are individually adjustable.
· Included Mounting bridge screws (matching the bridge finish) and a set of allen wrenches.