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AlBridge Parts Bell Bronze String Tree


Introducing the latest development from AlBridge Parts, a 100% Bell Bronze string tree. This string tree is a perfect replacement for the generic metal string trees on your your Fender style guitar, or any guitar with string trees.

More often than not, the standard string trees will force your guitar out of tune when bending or using a trem arm, but the AlBridge string tree will prevent that while also enhancing the natural tone of your playing.

PURE Bell Bronze has perfect tension on strings and a nearly flawless friction coefficient (Steel and Bronze which only lists a lubricated value of 0.16). You might notice that 2 Hight strings on you guitar can be pitching sharp, but installing a Bronze string tree will eliminate this issue. For example, see below for a friction coefficient comparison:

Brass + Steel: 0.50
Steel + Steel: 0.78
Bell Bronze + Steel: 0.16
Graphite Composite + Steel: 0.40

Bell Bronze has such a low friction coefficient when paired with Steel that your strings will glide effortlessly, like they are coated in natural lubricant. No more tuning slippage! Just like the Bell Bronze saddles on the AlBridge bridge replacements, these string trees will increase your natural sustain, provide perfectly chimney tones, and prevent note slippage from bends or tremolo use. The natural bronze string trees are sandblasted and coated in lacquer to prevent the bronze from being tarnished. Sells as a set of 2, please specify color.

Primarily for Fender-style guitars but can be used in place of most other string trees. Screws included. Available in Black coating and with anti tarnish coating.

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $12.99.

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